Fees Free
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Fees Free
Check your Fees Free eligibility.
Fees Free tertiary education and training is a policy introduced in 2018 to expand participation in tertiary education and reduce student debt in New Zealand. It is targeted towards first-time learners.
If you are a first-time tertiary learner, you may be able to get up to $12,000 of your fees covered for one year’s study or two years’ training. If you are eligible, we’ll organise payment of your fees with the Tertiary Education Commission.
Check if you are eligible by visiting FeesFree.govt.nz.
Fees Free at Servilles Academy
Complete a hairdressing, barbering, or makeup qualification with the assistance of Fees Free. You can get one year of tertiary study or two years’ training up to the value of $12,000 fees-free. Fees Free covers your course fees but does not cover course-related costs or living costs.
You may qualify if the below applies to you:
a New Zealander or ordinarily resident in New Zealand;
a recent secondary school leaver;
or not a recent secondary school leaver but have undertaken less than half a year of tertiary study or training.
If you’re eligible for Fee Free, you will still need to apply for a Student Loan via StudyLink if you want to borrow course-related costs or living costs.
Please refer to the below resources for more help on Student Loans and Fees Free.